Monday, December 1, 2014

and he shall give you rest

sometimes i just feel so tired and weary and weak and like each step is a heavy dragging plod of a leaden shoe caked with heavy mud.  sometimes i think there isn't much more that i can bear or take, or do.  i often feel overwhelmed and overworked.  so many times a problem seems unsolvable and a situation unbearable.  those are the times i need to remember to give my burden to the Lord.  he gives peace.  he is gentle and he gives rest to my soul.  there isn't a sunday that goes by, that if i give even just a little effort to worship or just take the sacrament that i don't find rest, peace and rejuvenation to my soul.  how many times have i cried my heart out to God and given him my desperation, my fears, and my desolation and somehow found a tender peace given back or the strength to go on.  and feasting on his word gives me light and joy and understanding and comfort and so much more.  mom's right--his grace is infinite and it's amazing and beautiful and i'm so thankful.

(i thin k this first photo looks like frodo)

1 comment:

  1. I have been marking for years now all the scriptures that talk about rest and thinking about what that really means. Thanks for another beautiful post and your insights.
