And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.
by Thomas Cole
And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
by Ruth Sanderson
don't know the artist, but i think it's beautiful
Copyright Daniel Bonnell
maybe shepherds are nobodies, alone in the dark in a field. maybe they were tired and all wrapped up in their life's work. maybe some were lonely or bored. maybe some were dreamers or thinkers, or angry, or had family drama. maybe they were just regular people living out the lives they were born into. and that night the light shone on them and around them. and the message was joy and peace and good will and it probably filled them up to bursting with wonder and amazement and light. i like that it was shepherds who received the message. because the angel said it was for all people. it's for regular every day people in the midst of their lives and life's work, in all states of mind and being. it's for everyone. it's even for me. and if there is anything this world needs it's peace and joy and good will to all men. i wish i could have witnessed it. i love this last painting. i like to think maybe it wasn't just the future pavarotis that were in the heavenly choir. maybe it was regular rejoicers like me.
when i was on my mission, my first area was in handen where the temple was. the temple president was in my ward and his name was president wennerlund and he quoted this scripture to me one day.
When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?--job 38:7
he said i was a morning star. i hope that's true. and i hope i can sing my praise and joy now too. in the way i live and the things i do. because it's still true. God gave us Christ and all goodness and joy and light come from him. and because of him there can be peace even in the middle of a dark field or a dark heart or the storms of life. i really believe in that, and i'm trying to exercise more faith in it.
good news... it's so ordinary sounding. :)
Let the mountains shout for joy, and all ye valleys cry aloud; and all ye seas and dry lands tell the wonders of your Eternal King! And ye rivers, and brooks, and rills, flow down with gladness. Let the woods and all the trees of the field praise the Lord; and ye solid rocks weep for joy! And let the sun, moon, and the morning stars sing together, and let all the sons of God shout for joy! And let the eternal creations declare his name forever and ever! And again I say, how glorious is the voice we hear from heaven, proclaiming in our ears, glory, and salvation, and honor, and immortality, and eternal life; kingdoms, principalities, and powers!--d&c 128:23
Another feast-------this time such a beautiful visual feast as well. Thanks for filling me up.