Saturday, December 13, 2014

christmas is about saying "i love you"

on tuesday for young womens we watched Mr. Krueger's Christmas. i really love how it says Christmas is about saying "i love you". it got me thinking. Christmas really is about love. we give to people and receive, and spend special family time setting up the tree, caroling, being secret santas, making snowflakes and sharing what Christmas means to us. all of these are little acts of love. because Christmas is a great time to express our love for each other. it even started off with love. Heavenly Father sent us Jesus Christ, our Savior. his only begotten son. He sent him to come and provide our way back home. what greater act of love can there be shown to us?
my dad home teaches this lady and her husband. she has quite a few medical issues that make her stay home most of the time. her husband left for 2 weeks to go help her daughter, and she is in the midst of unpacking and downsizing. anyway, this lovely lady is paying me to go over to her house and help her out. today was my first day. it was so great to hear a few of her special stories and hear some of the wisdom she had to share with me. i could tell she was probably lonely and enjoyed having someone to talk to. it makes me feel great to be able to serve someone. especially because it's so close to Christmas. i already know that the Lord answers our prayers through other people a lot of the time and being the Lord's hands in her life is helping me feel the Christmas spirit so much more this year. because, Christmas is about saying i love you, and i love all of you


  1. I love Mr. KRUEGERS CHRISTMAS. Thanks for sharing---that was beautiful. Grandpa loved it too. We love you.

  2. michealah, this is such a great post and so true! i love your thoughts on the things we do during christmas that make us so happy is all about love. i think you are so right, christmas is about love because it is about Christ and he is love and everything that comes from him is about love in big and small ways. this was such a good post and made me feel so good to read it. i hope you post some more and tell your cousins to post too!
